Hi, my name is Stephen and as you can probably tell from the name of the website, I like Micropropagation, also known as Plant Tissue Culture. I have no professional background in PTC in fact, my day job is a Technical Integrations Manager for a UK Charity. However, my main hobby and interest is Plant Tissue Culture.
So, enough about me and time to talk about Plant Tissue Culture. Whilst I’ve had an interest in Hydroponics for many years, I have only recently discovered that it's possible to practice tissue culture from a home lab. Although as I will discuss within the content of this site, it does not come without challenges. For the past few years I have been building up my knowledge and equipment by watching, reading and learning as much as possible on the subject. Now I want to start to share some of what I have learned to date and continue to sure as I learn more about this fascinating subject. It may take a while to get this site loaded with lots of interesting content as I am also writing the admin and frontend of this website. Bear with me and I start to get stuff added ASAP.